Friday, May 15, 2009

First Post - wudddddup!

Welcome to the official blog for the
Carte Blanche store.

Expect regular awesome updates about the store, about the brands we carry/will be carrying, things that inspire us, events that are happening with the store, about what we are doing this weekend, and everything in between.

pink cobra

It's a beautiful Friday to be outside... on a patio, with a Caeser!
Please feel free to wander in off of Queen Street and check out the clothes. I'm drooling over a Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair jacket as I type.

My name is Hannah, and I biked to work in a record 15 minutes this morning. I am a traffic ninja.
It's my first day so come visit me and ask me lots of difficult questions.

ma bicyclette

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for more of this blog and for meeting you after work on my raleigh so we can cruise around town, drink wine in parks and get icecream
